Yesterday was a long day. I woke up at 7AM today thinking that I had plenty of time to get ready for our 9:30AM pickup. We got a call at 8:45AM and the driver said that due to traffic, we had to leave as soon as possible and that she was waiting downstairs for us. She gave us 15 minutes to finish up.
As we shoved everything we could back into our suitcases, we headed out the door. We didn't see any traffic at all, but things change quickly in London. We didn't mind so much because at least we were there on time so we could relax.
We met up with our two friends Massimo and Aldo (who live in Milan) at the airport. We're all going to the same conference in SF and we planned to take the same plane.
We all ate lunch together and suddenly I read my boarding pass and instead of saying the time at which they begin boarding, it said the time that the gate closes. I connected to the Internet for about five minutes and was unable to send any email. At Heathrow, they list how many minutes it takes to get to the gate from the main area. Ours was 15 minutes away, so we paid our check and ran to the gate. When we got there, they hadn't even started boarding yet.
I tried to get back on the Internet and wasn't allowed back on since I had no username and password. Besides, there was no Wi-Fi signal, so all was lost.
We got on the plane, enjoyed the 10 hour flight (although we didn't sleep more than 1/2 hour and saw about 3 movies), and arrived safe and sound.
We were pleasantly surprised by the warm temperature in SF. A sunny day so warm that we didn't even need sweaters. We checked into our hotel, got connected to the Internet, ate dinner in our room, and went to sleep at 10PM. We watched the sun set from our room, which is on the 19th floor, and looked out on the SF Bay and the Coit tower.
I was hoping we wouldn't have jet lag, but here I am at 5AM wide-awake. I'm hoping to go back to sleep so that we can get up for breakfast in a few hours.
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