After last night's temporale (thunder storm), we woke up to cooler temperatures and grey skies. My girlfriend and I had decided a couple of weeks ago to go to the spa to get pampered. Erin and I were fortunate enough that we had our big corsa (run) last night. At times during the corsa, I did think about our spa day and kept telling myself that I'd be rewarded for the sforzo (effort).
While many residents were either away for the weekend or voting today, my friends and I met up at the Soul Space spa at noon. I had walked past it many times, but had never been inside before.
We walked inside of the spa and were quickly greeted by the woman at the ingresso (entrance). The environment was quiet and peaceful, and we all immediately felt more relaxed.
We went to the spogliatoio (locker room) where we changed into our costumi da bagno (bathing suits). Two of us were promptly escorted to get massaggi (massages) while the other two went to the zona relax (relaxation area).
We spent some time in the bagno turco (Turkish bath) and then dipped into the piscina (pool) right after as we were told we should try. After the massaggi, we rested in the zona relax while we snacked on dried fruit and drank tisana (herbal tea).
We thought we were going to have a light pranzo (lunch) at the spa, but then we decided to go to The Diner for an American brunch. We had been there before and enjoyed the hamburgers, but today I wanted to try the pancakes.
The Diner is quite busy on weekends and we were very fortunate to get a table immediately. When I read the menu, I am always tempted by everything and wish my stomach was big enough to have it all. In the end, I decided on fresh blueberry pancakes and a side of bacon. Two of my girlfriends had eggs and one had a hamburger. I smothered my pancakes with maple syrup and gobbled them up.
It was a treat for us to relax, get massages, and celebrate with an American brunch. We were so happy with our Sunday morning and afternoon that we hope to schedule a spa weekend where we can get pampered more. There are numerous spas around town as well as in Tuscany, so we'll be doing some research before spending the weekend at one of them. We probably won't be able to have an American brunch on Sunday, but I'm sure we'll enjoy it.
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