Besides my work schedule, the holiday season approaching, and my personal projects, I’ve had little time to enjoy my city lately. Every morning when I woke up, I’d say, “Tomorrow I’l go for a stroll around town, bring my camera, and enjoy the city.” But that day with a few extra hours in it never arrived. By the end of the week, I was a little sad sad especially since for a couple of days I didn’t even walk out of my apartment. On most days, I often stare out the window to look out at what is going on outside: I admire the Arno and watch cars go in one direction while people walk in the other.
This morning I went on a walk up to Piazzale Michelangiolo. When I walked over the Ponte alle Grazie, I was pleased to see that the Arno is now a cool green color like jade.
Up the viale (large avenue) toward Piazzale Michelangiolo, a caravan of Fiat 500’s of all different shapes, sizes, and colors were coming down the incline. I watched them cruise by along the viale. A few waved at me and honked their horns; they seemed happy to be out on a Sunday morning together.
Right before I reached the piazzale, I realized that I could see more of the city now. The now barren trees with their gnarled branches made way for a wider view of the city. Before, the leaves hindered the view so much that I couldn’t see the city unless I was right in front of the driveway of the campeggio (campground).
I could see the patchy sky with a few open spots where the blue sky came through. With low grey clouds moving quickly overhead, I stopped briefly in the piazzale to look out at the city below. With a light fog hovering over it, the city appeared as it would in a dream, unattainable and distant.
When I returned home, I made a promise to myself to make more time this week to appreciate my city. I certainly take in my city during my morning runs and walks, but it’s not enough for me. I want to lose myself in its narrow stone streets, discover more of its hidden beauty, and enjoy each step through Florence.
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