Yesterday morning after our run, the rain began to pour again. I told myself that when the sun comes back out or at least when it stops raining, I was going to go to the Giardino delle Rose (Rose Garden). I had read that it was not going to be open for much longer and I didn't want to miss it. I had walked in briefly after going to the Giardino dell'Iris (Iris Garden) a little over a week ago, but I wasn't ready to see more flowers at that time.
I had talked to a girlfriend of mine who had visited the Giardino delle Rose and she said that I should go sooner rather than later because the roses weren't holding up well due to our unpredictable weather. I had read on the Internet that the Giardino delle Rose was open for a few months, but the dates of when it was ending were conflicting: some indicated the end of May while others mid-June.
When I looked up from my computer yesterday afternoon and noticed the sky had cleared up a little bit, I grabbed my macchina fotografica (camera) and dashed over the Ponte alle Grazie toward San Niccolò. I entered through the entrance to the Giardino delle Rose at the foot of the stairs that lead up to the Piazzale Michelangiolo.
I only spotted a few people who were visiting the Giardino delle Rose while I walked around looking at the roses and admiring the view of the city. A few times while I was strolling along the path, the scent of roses was so overpowering that I just stopped myself immediately to take it in even more.
One couple was sitting on a wooden bench under a tree relaxing and reading the newspaper while another guy was running around taking photos from every angle of the Giardino delle Rose. After taking a few pictures, I decided to sit down on one of the empty wooden benches and enjoy the panorama.
Now that I know that the Giardino delle Rose is open until July 15th, I might try to go back again when the weather warms up. I'm hoping that the roses will be in bloom and the perfume even stronger. Yesterday I was happy that I visited the garden while not many people were around so that I could enjoy the stunning views of the city from a peaceful area surrounded by roses. The Giardino delle Rose felt like an oasis in the center of town.
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