Relishing the beauty as it appears

Whenever I am ambling around Florence, something catches my attention and I take the time to embrace it. Twice I spotted the Duomo from afar—in the Giardino Bardini and from the Viale Galileo. Two other times, I relished the full moon above the giostra in Piazza della Repubblica and hovering the Duomo.

Living in Florence :: Relishing the beauty as it appears

Giardino Bardini — October 26, 2024
A veil of fog hovered above Florence this morning. After the sun revealed a milky blue sky, I rushed outside. After endless days of rain, I couldn’t wait to go for a stroll in Giardino Bardini. By the time I was crossing Ponte alle Grazie, bouncy white clouds skirted around the edge of town.

Living in Florence, Italy :: Giardino Bardini

Excitement fueled my dash through the entrance to reach the gardens. As soon as I stepped onto the gravel, my entire body relaxed. I inhaled the cool scent of damp soil mixed with dry leaves. I steadied my breath as I hiked up the incline toward the Baroque stairway.

I sniffed a few of the pink, orange, and white roses along the stone wall below the fruit orchard. Before turning the corner below the oak tree, I paused to admire the panorama. Birds chirped from inside the trees as church bells rang in the distance. The murmuring of visitors faded in and out as the steady sound of the Arno’s sand-colored water flowed over the weir.

While walking through the pergola, I tilted my head up to gaze at the wisteria’s yellow leaves glistening in the sun and the long, brown pods hanging listlessly. 

I headed toward the olive grove, where the trees displayed hundreds of plump green, purple, and black olives. Upon approaching the terrace, where people gathered around the coffeehouse, enjoying the sunny autumnal day, I took a few pictures of the Duomo. I couldn’t help but marvel at how the sunlight was caressing it.

I made my rounds along the footpaths beneath the tall trees and passed the canal of the dragon. Below the terrace, I sat on a bench to savor the garden’s refreshing and calm vibe.

As I was about to leave, a robin appeared on the railing beside me. For a few seconds, we observed each other until it dove back into the laurel shrub. Afterwards, I retraced my steps in the garden to return home.

Viale Galileo — November 13, 2024
The crisp air sped up my step this morning. While traversing Ponte alle Grazie under a spacious blue sky, I hugged my body tight to prevent the wind from seeping through. My face and arms were already cold to the touch.

Living in Florence, Italy :: Viale Galileo

After navigating the winding streets of San Niccolò, I walked to the Giardino delle Rose. This garden uplifts me just by wandering through it. The perfume of sweet roses rippled through the soft breeze while tiny birds chirped from the trees.

I arrived to find few visitors in the garden. While prancing through the grassy areas, I dipped my nose into roses to enjoy their scent. I made my way to the exit and passed below Piazzale Michelangiolo. From Viale Galileo, I gazed at San Miniato al Monte whose façade was hidden by scaffolding. 

When I arrived at one of my favorite havens, I exhaled and relaxed my shoulders. My breathing slowed down as I sat down on the edge of the stone path between two olive trees and surveyed the view. A gentle wave of tranquility enveloped me. 

The Duomo and Palazzo Vecchio overshadowed the expanse of terracotta rooftops. I basked in the quietude even though traffic faded in and out. In the sky, an airplane, tracing a white line of vapor behind it, caught my attention for a few moments.

The olive trees and bushes appeared so immobile that I stared at the grass around my feet. A few swaying blades confirmed a slight wind.

This is my favorite spot in Florence, where I find my equilibrium. To seek solace when surrounded by so much hustle and bustle. It’s a way for me to remind myself how vast and beautiful the city is. As well as the entire world.

Piazza Repubblica — November 15, 2024
An hour before the shops closed, I walked up via dei Neri. The crisp air felt refreshing. A few people milled about, looking in shop windows and perusing restaurant menus. I passed behind the Palazzo Vecchio and turned toward the backside of the Fontana del Nettuno. Barriers were installed to close part of the Piazza della Signoria for the G7 Ministers’ meeting on tourism.

Living in Florence, Italy :: Piazza Repubblica

Upon reaching Via Calzaiuoli, I circled Orsanmichele, passing in front of it to reach Piazza Repubblica. A street band was playing as Carabinieri stood outside their vans parked inside the square. 

I glanced at the giostra (merry-go-round) and stopped after spotting the full moon as it set the thin clouds aglow. People traversed the piazza from all directions. Some were shopping, some were visiting, while others were heading home. 

When no one was too close to me, I pulled out my iPhone and captured the full moon hovering above Via degli Speziali. The black sky, bright giostra, and the busy streets under a full moon, hinting at the upcoming Christmas season, filled me with glee.

Piazza di San Giovanni — November 17, 2024

While walking down Via dei Banchi, I spotted the moon emanating its light without a cloud in the sky. I crossed the intersection to Via dei Cerretani, where I continued to reach Piazza di San Giovanni. The warm lights from the shops glowed on the faces of the passersby. Some dangled rectangular shopping bags from their hands while others peered into the windows.

Living in Florence, Italy :: Piazza di San Giovanni

Crowds gathered in front of the cathedral. Some people, still wearing their coats and jackets, sat on terraces to enjoy an aperitivo. The chilly wind still kicked up once in a while to awaken our senses.

I gazed at the moon while standing alongside the Battistero for a few minutes. Bicyclists and pedestrians swerved around me in the open space.

A wave of serenity washed over me while relishing the Duomo’s splendor. 

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