Today I scheduled an appointment with my lawyer to go to the citizenship office at the comune to see what I can do about the discrepancies on my father's birth certificate. It seems like just yesterday that I went to the citizenship office to talk to the woman who's in charge of it, but I was hoping it'd be smoother with my lawyer.
We walked upstairs to the citizenship office and there were about 20 people standing in the hall. My lawyer talked to the guy at the desk and he said that the office wasn't open to the public on Tuesdays, only Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 to 1PM. My lawyer asked if she could make an appointment and the man responded that that wasn't an option.
My lawyer asked me on the way out of the building, "Sapeva Lei che l'ufficio non era aperto marted́?" (Did you know that thhe office wasn't open on Tuesdays?) "No, mi ha detto Lei che era aperto oggi," (No, you told me it was open today) I responded.
She said that she asked yesterday when she was there and the woman said the office was open every day from 9AM to 1PM. And, she told me that the woman even told her that she could make an appointment as well. I wasn't upset at all, but I felt like it wasn't so abnormal to get misinformation.
We stood in the large entry at Palazzo Vecchio and talked about all the documents I have. She told me that I needed a few other items, which weren't asked of me by the Italian consulate, like legalized translations of everything and a letter from the Italian consulate stating that my father never renounced Italian citizenship.
She said that the discrepancy of my father's name is not an insurmountable problem. And that was nice to hear since there's not much more I can do. The good thing is that on all of the other documents, like his death certificate, my birth certificate, and even my marriage certificate, his name and birthday are all correct.
She also mentioned to me that I should declare my grandfather's death at the comune where he was born. I'm not sure why and I don't think it'll help me out just yet, so maybe if I go to where my grandfather was born, I'll do that.
My lawyer and I decided to meet again at the Citizenship office at 9:15AM tomorrow morning, so we'll see what happens then. Hopefully, something positive.
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