After many discussions, I have finally signed my contratto di locazione (rental contract) with my new landlord yesterday at my place. I didn't invite my agente immobiliare (real estate agent) because of what happened the last time with the contratto di locazione that I signed.
I'll now be staying until the end of July in my current place and will be moving into the new apartment on August 1st. I was hoping to leave on the 15th of July, but things didn't work out that way. The new inquilini (tenants) aren't moving in until August 15th and therefore I have to stay a little longer.
My friends all told me to not pay my last month's rent and leave early, but I just can't bring myself to do such a thing. I feel it would be dishonest.
My agente immobiliare is upset with me because I wouldn't let her come to my place when I signed the contratto di locazione, but she didn't tell me about there not being a disdetta in my last one.
I ended up having to ask a good friend of mine to read my contratto di locazione and she told me what was different from the standard one. Nothing that I needed to be alarmed about, but information that I should know before I signed it.
In the end, it all seems to be turning out just fine. I'm looking forward to my new place and yet trying to enjoy my current place as much as possible.
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