No time to have the flu

It's bad enough to get influenza (the flu), but worse when the weather outside is amazingly beautiful. I know the temperatures aren't that high; however, the clear blue sky and shining sun make me want to go outside anyway. I haven't been out my front door since Thursday when I felt the beginning of a few symptoms.

Ever since Friday, Alessandro's mom has been making me care packages that Alessandro has to go and pick for me almost every day. Each day she made me a fresh batch of chicken brodo (broth). She has included a small bag of tortellini to put in the brodo, arance (oranges), clementini (seedless mandarin oranges), insalata (salad), and some pollo (chicken). She also sent over two different medicines to take depending on the symptoms I have.

Alessandro's mom decided to come for a visit to our apartment to bring me more food at lunchtime. I was surprised that she walked all the way to our place to deliver me more food. I told her that it was unnecessary, but there was no telling her otherwise.

When she made it up the three flights of stairs, she opened up a large bag of food along with some fritelle di riso (rice fritters) that I shared with Alessandro. I had learned to "starve a fever," but it's hard when my suocera (mother-in-law) keeps making me such wonderful food.

She stayed just long enough to rest up for the long walk back. She didn't want to stay much longer because she knew I had to take a nap since my eyes are still a bit lucidi (lucid), which is a sure sign that someone's sick. I was happy to see her because I didn't get to have lunch with them yesterday. His mother kept insisting that my suocero (father-in-law) could pick me up at my door, but I knew I didn't have the strength to be good company at the kitchen table.

I'm hoping that this fantastic weather will last because I'm hoping that by the end of the week I'll be back outside to enjoy it.

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