Today for the second time I went to an AILO meeting. A friend of mine had joined last year and invited me to a meeting last month. I知 not generally one who likes to join groups, but after learning more about the group and meeting some of the ladies, I decided to apply to become a member. Last week I received an email that I was accepted.
I had heard of "The League," but didn't know anyone who was in it. I was happy to have attended a meeting to get more information for myself.
Besides interesting speakers that talk at the meetings, social gatherings and even cultural outings, the group痴 main focus is to give back to the community. I liked the idea of helping my community since the city has given me so much.
I also liked that AILO is a member of FAWCO, The Federation of American Women's Club's Overseas, which I am slowly learning more about. It's nice to know that there are many women supporting all the other expats around the world.
Like any city in the world, there are people who are less fortunate, people who are struggling in their lives and people who need some extra help. I知 looking forward to meeting more of the interesting ladies who have been living in Florence for so many years, and taking part in some of the charity and community service events.
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