It suddenly hit me today that I’ll be leaving Florence in just a few days. I’m going to Paris again for work. I’m looking forward to my trip because I haven’t been since May, but I already miss Florence. I tried not to think too much about leaving Florence, but this morning instead of going for a run, I decided to go for a walk up to Piazzale Michelangiolo so that I could take in my beloved city.
While many of my friends are taking off on summer vacation, I’ve been quite content to stay home in Florence these last few weeks. Initially my time was filled up with deciding on whether to move or not. I’m happy that we decided on staying put. Looking out at the Arno from my desk during the day always makes me smile. Even though we saw some amazing places, I just couldn’t imagine a different view.
This morning, I walked along the Arno and up the viale Michelangiolo. I enjoyed the serenity of the tree-covered path and then reaching the top above the campeggio (campgrounds) where I could see the city again.
Thanks to the crisp air, I enjoyed seeing the mountains and hills around the entire city. All the greenery on the outskirts embracing the multitude of terra cotta rooftops. I can’t help but look at the many churches and monuments sticking out like icebergs.
I walked through the crowds of people so I could see the view for myself. I rarely stop when I’m up at the Piazzale Michelangiolo, but I always have to catch sight of my favorite spots before heading back down. I always want to glimpse the Arno and the piazza in front of our apartment. I’m not sure why, but I like to see where I came from. It always appears so far away, but I know that within a few minutes I’ll be back where I started.
I rarely look up at the Piazzale Michelangiolo when I’m running along the Arno, but I usually turn around to see it after I’ve been up there while I’m walking across the Ponte alle Grazie.
I already miss my beloved city, and yet I’m still here for the rest of the week. Even though Paris is a wonderful city, its charm touches me differently. I appreciate its beauty of course, but it’s just not home like Florence is.
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