Since Saturday, the weather has cooled down drastically. It had been so hot here that we were all afraid that it would only get worse. And then on Saturday, the weather turned. It began to cool off in the evening and I had to shut the windows in my apartment. When we had our impromptu dinner, we came in early because it was too cold.
On Sunday, it began to rain and and rain. Thunder and lightning quickly followed. We even had a grandinata (hail storm) that seemed unprecedented at this time of year.
All of today and Sunday, it has been raining. And, like most people who believed that our weather was going to be hot until October, I put away all my winter clothes. But, today, I had to pull out my turtleneck sweater and boots just to go outside to meet a friend for lunch.
When I was in centro (downtown) I saw a lot of people still wearing shorts and flip-flops. I shivered when I looked at them because I was still cold with my sweater and impermeabile (rain jacket).
We definitely need the rain, so I welcome it with open arms. Besides, it's a great relief from the heat we've been having this last week or so.
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